A Daily (well not so daily.. mostly when inspiration hits me..) Dosage of Devilicious 19 year old Diva's Wisdom, Bitch Bantering and just down right Personal stuff.. ^_^
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
100 truth bout me... what bout U?
1. Last beverage: PROTEIN SHAKE
2. Last phone call: TO MY AUNT
3. Last text message: TO MY FRIEND
4. Last song you listened to: CHRIS MEDINA - WHAT ARE WORDS
5. Last time you cried: LONG-LONG TIME AGO
6. Dated someone twice: NEVER
7. Been cheated on: Not 4 the time being
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Never n Never
9. Lost someone special: Yes
10. Been depressed: Yup
11. Been drunk and threw up: Nope
12. Black
13. White
14. Gold
15. Made a new friend: Yeah I think so...
16. Fallen out of love: Yup... in n out n back again with some1
17. Laughed until you cried: Not yet...
18. Met someone who changed you: constantly...
19. Found out who your true friends were: not 4 the moment... still analyzing...
20. Found out someone was talking about you: Yup... like 90% og the people who know me... duh...
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Never n not about to...
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: A few...
23. How many kids do you want?: two to four
24. Do you have any pets: not at the moment
25. Do you want to change your name: Yup... to Farcella Serenity Lainon Marcellus...
26. What did you do for your last birthday: none.. just have dinner with my family...
27. What time did you wake up today: 10.00 am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: on9 FB n BLOG...
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: collage life
30. Last time you saw your Mother: 3 days after i came to kl via Skype
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: preventing my dad from going to the badminton tranining on the night he died...
32. What are you listening to right now : nothing... watching tv...
33. Have you ever talked to a person named FARCELLA: ya she's me...
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: deciding bout which course of PRE-U program should i take
35. Most visited webpage: FB, BLOG, TWITTER, YOUTUBE N GOOGLE
36. Whats your real name: FARCELLA LAINON
1. Last beverage: PROTEIN SHAKE
2. Last phone call: TO MY AUNT
3. Last text message: TO MY FRIEND
4. Last song you listened to: CHRIS MEDINA - WHAT ARE WORDS
5. Last time you cried: LONG-LONG TIME AGO
6. Dated someone twice: NEVER
7. Been cheated on: Not 4 the time being
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Never n Never
9. Lost someone special: Yes
10. Been depressed: Yup
11. Been drunk and threw up: Nope
12. Black
13. White
14. Gold
15. Made a new friend: Yeah I think so...
16. Fallen out of love: Yup... in n out n back again with some1
17. Laughed until you cried: Not yet...
18. Met someone who changed you: constantly...
19. Found out who your true friends were: not 4 the moment... still analyzing...
20. Found out someone was talking about you: Yup... like 90% og the people who know me... duh...
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Never n not about to...
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: A few...
23. How many kids do you want?: two to four
24. Do you have any pets: not at the moment
25. Do you want to change your name: Yup... to Farcella Serenity Lainon Marcellus...
26. What did you do for your last birthday: none.. just have dinner with my family...
27. What time did you wake up today: 10.00 am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: on9 FB n BLOG...
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: collage life
30. Last time you saw your Mother: 3 days after i came to kl via Skype
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: preventing my dad from going to the badminton tranining on the night he died...
32. What are you listening to right now : nothing... watching tv...
33. Have you ever talked to a person named FARCELLA: ya she's me...
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: deciding bout which course of PRE-U program should i take
35. Most visited webpage: FB, BLOG, TWITTER, YOUTUBE N GOOGLE
36. Whats your real name: FARCELLA LAINON
38. Relationship Status: SINGLE ready to MINGGLE and never be TRIANGLE...
39. Zodiac sign: TAURUS
40. Male or female?: FEMALE... duh...
41. Primary School?: SRK STELLA MARIS, TG. ARU
42. Secondary School?:SMK TTF, LUYANG
43. High school/college?: SUNWAY COLLAGE,
44. Hair colour: Brownish-Black...
45. tall or short: 50-50
46. Height: 156 cm
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: YUP...
48: What do you like about yourself?: ALL OF ME...
49. Piercings: none
50. Tattoos: none but considering one...
51. Righty or lefty: Righty
52. First surgery: never had one...
53. First piercing: 6 years old.. but just a pair on the ear...
54. First best friend: primary 3
55. First sport you joined: badminton
56. First vacation: kundasang
58. First pair of trainers: none
59. Eating: kuih bangkit
60. Drinking: water
61. I'm about to: post this blogee n going to bed...
62. Listening to: nothing
63. Waiting on: nothing
64. Want kids: ya.. 2.. just a pair...
65. Get Married: maybe not...
67. Lips or eyes: EYES
68. Hugs or kisses: HUGS
69. Shorter or taller: TALLER
70. Older or Younger: OLDER
71. Romantic or spontaneous: BOTH IN 1...
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: BOTH AS LONG AS HEALTY
73. Sensitive or loud: SENSITIVE
74. Hook-up or relationship: RELATIONSHIP
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: NONE
76. Kissed a stranger: NEVER...
77. Drank hard liquor: NEVER...
78. Lost glasses/contacts: YA...
79. Sex on first date: NEVER...
80. Broken someone's heart: YA ONCE....
82. Been arrested: NOPE
83. Turned someone down: YUP...
84. Cried when someone died: YUP...
85. Fallen for a friend?:YUP..
38. Relationship Status: SINGLE ready to MINGGLE and never be TRIANGLE...
39. Zodiac sign: TAURUS
40. Male or female?: FEMALE... duh...
41. Primary School?: SRK STELLA MARIS, TG. ARU
42. Secondary School?:SMK TTF, LUYANG
43. High school/college?: SUNWAY COLLAGE,
44. Hair colour: Brownish-Black...
45. tall or short: 50-50
46. Height: 156 cm
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: YUP...
48: What do you like about yourself?: ALL OF ME...
49. Piercings: none
50. Tattoos: none but considering one...
51. Righty or lefty: Righty
52. First surgery: never had one...
53. First piercing: 6 years old.. but just a pair on the ear...
54. First best friend: primary 3
55. First sport you joined: badminton
56. First vacation: kundasang
58. First pair of trainers: none
59. Eating: kuih bangkit
60. Drinking: water
61. I'm about to: post this blogee n going to bed...
62. Listening to: nothing
63. Waiting on: nothing
64. Want kids: ya.. 2.. just a pair...
65. Get Married: maybe not...
67. Lips or eyes: EYES
68. Hugs or kisses: HUGS
69. Shorter or taller: TALLER
70. Older or Younger: OLDER
71. Romantic or spontaneous: BOTH IN 1...
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: BOTH AS LONG AS HEALTY
73. Sensitive or loud: SENSITIVE
74. Hook-up or relationship: RELATIONSHIP
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: NONE
76. Kissed a stranger: NEVER...
77. Drank hard liquor: NEVER...
78. Lost glasses/contacts: YA...
79. Sex on first date: NEVER...
80. Broken someone's heart: YA ONCE....
82. Been arrested: NOPE
83. Turned someone down: YUP...
84. Cried when someone died: YUP...
85. Fallen for a friend?:YUP..
86. Yourself: Yup... who's to believe but ur self?
87. Miracles: No...
88. Love at first sight: yes...
89. Heaven: yes
90. Santa Claus: no
91. Kiss on the first date: yes but not necessary
92. Angels: yes
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: never
95. Did you sing today?: ya
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: never
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: feb 1999
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: SPM
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: yes totally... fallin in love is great but falling because of love SUCKS!!!
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: yeah....
86. Yourself: Yup... who's to believe but ur self?
87. Miracles: No...
88. Love at first sight: yes...
89. Heaven: yes
90. Santa Claus: no
91. Kiss on the first date: yes but not necessary
92. Angels: yes
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: never
95. Did you sing today?: ya
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: never
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: feb 1999
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: SPM
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: yes totally... fallin in love is great but falling because of love SUCKS!!!
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: yeah....
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Despicable ME
1. Apakah yang sedang anda lakukan 30 minit yang lalu sya main farm ville sambil chatting ngan 3 orang d FB
2. Dua jam yang lalu saya plan mau tingu movie tapi tergendala so on9.... MALAR...
3. Anda suka on9,on9.on9...
4. Minggu lepas teda perbezaan dari minggu2 yg lepas... sya on9,mandi,makan,on9,work out, on9 lagi then tido...
5. Tiga lagu yang boleh dengar berulang kali ntah... sya cepat boring so tiap2 minggu play list sya akan berubah...
6. Tiga binatang yang anda tidak suka species kucing
7. Lima fakta tentang anda. Pemarah (Working on it really), tahap kesabarann se-tebal kertas surih, ego setinggi 10 set menara berkembar petronas, Perfectionist, jenis orang yg i can but i wont...
8. Tahun depan mungkin sya masih study d SUNWAY COLLAGE harap2 lar... Amen...
9. Saya tidak reti nak mintak maaf terutama klu kesalahan tu 50-50...
10. Saya pandai cari alasanyg sangat hebat
11. Kawan saya ada bayak katogori BFF, FWA n FE
12. Saya ada allergic pada makanan laut tapi yg pelik nya sya bleh makan sotong tanpa bengkak2... tapi klu da sentuh udang ketam.. hmm... ICU when ICU la jawab nya...
13.Saya seorang penganggur yang sangat berjaya
14. Adik saya x pernah wujud cousin bertimbun
15. Saya tidak pernah bosan ON9, kena kutuk n mengutuk
16. Bilakan kali pertama anda bercinta? tingkatan 1 tu pun accident... salah number punya kes... tapi dia baik.. tapi sya break lepas 3 bulan kami kenal... hahaha... sedih...
17. Perkara yang selalu org tak percaya tentang anda. boleh nampak ... dan lidah yg cukup panjang... utk sampai ke hujung hidung hahaha...
18. Saya rindu Makan masakan MUMMY ku..
19. Saya tak sabar mau kluar dari cengkaman ... n pindah abroad... menyampah!
20. Lima laman yang selalu anda layari. Blog, FB, sunway collage website, youtube, yahoo
p/s : tag all followers :)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Just something to dibble dabble - Mysteries at KK Hill Top
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hunted house- well the house do not look like this one but it sure does fee like one... |
more stories coming up... but for now this is all...
take a moment
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Yesterday... My families n friends called, sms, chat, and posted in my HP & FB... Asking bout my result well it didnt went as i planned it to be but i'm satisfy... although my history subject did slipped away... SHIT! so here's my SPM RESULT:
NO SHIT HUH? well i'm not satisfy... so i'm gonna file for re-evaluation... which is all my B's & C's including my history... how ever due to the price RM 50.00/subject re-evaluate and economical restraining i'm only gonna recheck my B's...
well that's all 4 today...
p/s: ok sya tipu mmg sya kecewa sangat... nda pernah dalam sejarah hidup sya sya dapat 1A jak... mesti ada sekurang2 nya 2 or 3... ni 1 jak... hmm... mmg sungguh2 kecewa... mau nangis pun ada... so mmg nda kira sya mau recheck juga balik klu mmg nda bleh la tu rechecking sya mau resit paper SEJARAH, MATHS & EST sya kalau boleh... tapi yg penting tu SEJARAH n MATHS la... hidup sya tu tau.. huaaaaaa..... (nangis) T_T...
NO SHIT HUH? well i'm not satisfy... so i'm gonna file for re-evaluation... which is all my B's & C's including my history... how ever due to the price RM 50.00/subject re-evaluate and economical restraining i'm only gonna recheck my B's...
well that's all 4 today...
p/s: ok sya tipu mmg sya kecewa sangat... nda pernah dalam sejarah hidup sya sya dapat 1A jak... mesti ada sekurang2 nya 2 or 3... ni 1 jak... hmm... mmg sungguh2 kecewa... mau nangis pun ada... so mmg nda kira sya mau recheck juga balik klu mmg nda bleh la tu rechecking sya mau resit paper SEJARAH, MATHS & EST sya kalau boleh... tapi yg penting tu SEJARAH n MATHS la... hidup sya tu tau.. huaaaaaa..... (nangis) T_T...
Sunday, March 20, 2011
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BLEH? hah cam ni lar... ada yg ke 3 tapi sya da lupa so tu nanti 2 jak sya repost k... oh ya lupa kasi tau kotak ni korang bleh upgrade pi 5 by 5 n seterusnya yg penting dia jadi perfect square x leh 6 by 10 gitu... k.. well selamat mencuba... ^_^
p/s: oh ni sikit test utk korang k... klu x paham post kat comment then klu bleh nak jawab pun post kat comment jugak k... selamat mencuba...
decoding 1
ofwfs mfu bozpof efdjef gos zpvs gvuvsf
decoding 2
dh2d aaro nveg aeds (<-- guna column 4 by 4)
MISS-COMUNICATION + Long Distance Relationship
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baru2 ni aq observe kawan (a.k.a C) ber-calling ngan cinta hati (a.k.a K) dia... dia kat sini n c dia kat sana... dorang da lama couple da nak dekat 5 thn... jarak umur 2 tahun... baru2 ni C ada la beli num baru dgn niat nak contact c K yg nun jauh d sana tapi tanpa aq tau rupa2nya hubungan CnK ni apa kata orang puteh tu "on rocky ground" ah lebih kurang lar... semenjak B'DAY si K lagi... jadi sambung balik... Jadi c C ni pun call lar c K ni... awal convesation tu lancar jak... kali masuk klimax ada laplak komplikasi... so ni lar komplikasi dorang... MISS-COMMUNICATION... sorang nak cakap sorang lagi nak potong cakap.... sorang x habis cakap sorang lagi x nak dengar... dah tu tuduh2 ntah pa barang... dorang x communicate bebaik... K memanas sebab C sms kawan K... tapi C sms pun sbp nak tanya kabar K sbp K x angkat HP dia... tapi K salah faham dia ingat C nak ushah kawan dia pulak... then beberapa hari lalu plak C ada bwat spot-check kat FB K.. C nampak inbox K ttg sorang cewek yg ushah K.. apa lagi C pun ungkit lar kat K masa dia tgh ber calling ngan K... pastu C ungkit lagi sesuatu kat K yg aq rasa C pun malu nak ckp depan aq... Aq tak kisah lar klu C x nak bagi tau pun tu private life dia... aq x nak la enclose cerita 1 bahagian kat korang sebab ni berkaitan dengan org yg masih hidup ada nyawa ada hati ada maruah... tapi conclusion nya dorang ni banyak miss-communication... macam C cakap kat K klu 2-2 api hubungan long-distance mmg x leh jadi... so salah sorang tu perlu lar beralah... macam gak kwn se-FB, se-BLOG, se-KELAS aq cakap long distance relationship bleh menghindar dari terbentuknya entiti yg d gelar ZYGOTE.. ye tak?
ok lar aku ni celoteh memanjang aq sendiri pun da x tau apa yg aku tulis... muahahaha... lawak kan... ok la sya mau tido lu... slamat subuh... ^_^
OPPS... lupa lak ni nak tanya klu korang lar kan sepa perlu beralah? gentlemen or ladies?
Saturday, March 19, 2011
hancus kan bila sepanjang sya active blogging ni sya belum lagi sebut pasal bila time kluar result spm... hahaha... mmg gitu la tu.. anyway pada19/3/11 nih tinggal 4 hari lagi mau kluar spm result... huhuhu... nervous tahap dewa nih tau.. matai nah...
so berbalik pada topik result spm, sya mmg nervous gilak... napa? sya rasa cam nda cukup apa yg sya da jwp n buat time exam... sya paling risau subjek yg sya aim.. antara subjek yg sya aim daripada 10 subjek is,
BM, BI, MATHS, MORAL, BIOLOGY, EST A.K.A English in science and technology. semua subjek ni lu bleh sya mau dapat A, atau A+... well harap2 la.. sya takut nih... sya nda minta banyak.. tu jak subjek yg sya mau A klu CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS & ADD MATHS sya fail pun sya nda kisah yg penting tu 7 subjek dapat A sudah la..
ok sya tipu sya klu bleh sya mau CHEM n PHYSICS sya dapat D or C tapi betul klu add maths sya fail pun "aiman x kisah..." sebab sya terima kenyataan bahawa add maths bukan lah subject kelebihan sya... maths modern mmg mantap tapi klu add maths mintak maaf mintak ampun kat cikgu add maths kami yg dari form 4 iaitu cikgu eddie G... sangat2 mintak maaf klu da kecewakan cikgu tapi subjek tu mmg x bleh masuk otak klu pakai kan drill kepala pun blum tentu bleh masuk...
opps... stop... dah jauh melencong nih...
ok pasal result spm nih.. sya nda dapat balik KK sbp teda ticket murah... lagi pun mak yg tolong amik kan... so x pa la... tapi tu la sedih sebab kawan2 len semua dapat amik result kat sch lama tapi sya ni.. haiz kesian... x pa la sya pun tunggu jugak lar... tapi sya suru mak amik result hari jumaat 25/3/11 sebab x nak kwn2 jumpa ngan mak aku sebab... ARGH!!! sebab sya nda suka lar... nanti banyak la pulak mulut longkang yg nak menyebok kat mak aku... ok la tu jer pagi/subuh nih... selamat tidur para kelawar2 sekalian...
Friday, March 18, 2011
a twist in life
when i was 13 on the 3rd day of middle sch's orientation week we were asked to pick our co-curriculum's activities... i vowed that if i were to pick the uniform units i'd pick the one most estrange to me n i dont want to have to do anything with foot drill activities... but a twist in my life made me enjoy it... i was well aware that if i get involve i will get a free "tanning" but wat the hell i might just get on with it... n honestly i fell in love with foot drill activities... why? cause there are perks... n it enhance my social life with teachers and friends... i learn to become a better leader which is a leader that is willing to walk hand in hand with her acquaintance... so since then i was in love with the whole idea of foot drilling...
since i was 12 i never liked camping cause i have bad perception bout the whole idea of camping.. then on one fateful day of 2007, i was called to the evening supervisor's room with my other classmate... well i was wondering cause as far as i recall i have never had bad disciplinary track record... none the less i was nervous... we were told that we were chosen by the school board to join in a camping program joining the SABAH contingent in LANGKAWI where 4 more state will join in the camping program... well obviously we were exited... how ever the 4 of us were concern cause on the same week of our camping trip was exam week... but they saw it coming and ensure us that we were to resit our paper as soon as we went back to school... so for a week in Pulau Tuba we had tons of fun... memories are made and new friends are obtained... since then i was hooked with camping... when ever i had a chance to join school organized camping i'd follow... and so life had turn again for me... n now i'm glad cause if i'd had follow my mum's words i might still be just another coward that never dared herself to try something new... n for that i'm glad i chose to go...
dare to take chances.. never say no to opportunity especially when it gives you the upper hand in your social life or your self... never take things for granted... n make decisions that is best at your intrest 1st then other's intrest... plus you might just find someone special while you were taking those chances just like me... i would never had found him if i didnt get my ass into camping nor foot drilling activities... SO BEST OF LUCK YA'LL...
when i was 13 on the 3rd day of middle sch's orientation week we were asked to pick our co-curriculum's activities... i vowed that if i were to pick the uniform units i'd pick the one most estrange to me n i dont want to have to do anything with foot drill activities... but a twist in my life made me enjoy it... i was well aware that if i get involve i will get a free "tanning" but wat the hell i might just get on with it... n honestly i fell in love with foot drill activities... why? cause there are perks... n it enhance my social life with teachers and friends... i learn to become a better leader which is a leader that is willing to walk hand in hand with her acquaintance... so since then i was in love with the whole idea of foot drilling...
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KAWAD TYT 2010 JOHAN!!! yay... |
since i was 12 i never liked camping cause i have bad perception bout the whole idea of camping.. then on one fateful day of 2007, i was called to the evening supervisor's room with my other classmate... well i was wondering cause as far as i recall i have never had bad disciplinary track record... none the less i was nervous... we were told that we were chosen by the school board to join in a camping program joining the SABAH contingent in LANGKAWI where 4 more state will join in the camping program... well obviously we were exited... how ever the 4 of us were concern cause on the same week of our camping trip was exam week... but they saw it coming and ensure us that we were to resit our paper as soon as we went back to school... so for a week in Pulau Tuba we had tons of fun... memories are made and new friends are obtained... since then i was hooked with camping... when ever i had a chance to join school organized camping i'd follow... and so life had turn again for me... n now i'm glad cause if i'd had follow my mum's words i might still be just another coward that never dared herself to try something new... n for that i'm glad i chose to go...
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dare to take chances.. never say no to opportunity especially when it gives you the upper hand in your social life or your self... never take things for granted... n make decisions that is best at your intrest 1st then other's intrest... plus you might just find someone special while you were taking those chances just like me... i would never had found him if i didnt get my ass into camping nor foot drilling activities... SO BEST OF LUCK YA'LL...
Thursday, March 17, 2011
life can be funny
well you see my friends life really had given me a funny turn... i am blessed by given a lot of things... my mum who always support me and friends that always reliable... but however blessed i am, when taking group picx i am always off the picx... why? well cause i'm the one recording those moments in most of the time... and the funny thing is, i'm used to being behind the cam that even if i'm not, i wont go in front of it... honestly i do want to record my memories with my friends with my face there too but i guess i just cant... it doesnt feel right... i realized this as i was browsing through my picx files in my lappy i see my friend's face but there's no face of me... funny huh... no seriously it's sad but the fact that i wanna but i wont policy is kinda funny for me... sorry guys if u cant really get what i'm writing but my blog's name is a name of it's own... my mind is too abstract even i cant decipher me... anyway this is all for now...
- Any one feels like they are not a perfect girl/woman or boy/man if they dont have a girl/boy friend.
- Kids perasan them soo cute and it's acceptable for them to act kurang ajar towards their elderly aspecially 7 to 12 Y.O.!
- They just think that loves can feed them in the future.
- Some one drinks or/and smoke close to me.
- I have to do things against my will.
- Guys treat girls like girls changes their handbag.
- Girls dont appreciate their man especially if they are worth appreciating over.
- Friends rats over their friend!
- People acts like they know you better then you know your self!
- Poeple tends to think to show their love is to show their "body parts"!
- I go back to my home town and they see me and always says this popular words. (eee you're all grown up now, u are now fit to marry now...) {For goodness sake i have my whole life ahead of me why in the world would i end my life by marrying early? this is the 21st centuary for crap sake!! OMG.. hmm...}
- People thinks smoking is something so very cool. (people u are burning your money and life away just like that! the government is spending billions of RM just for the re-hab center where as the money is better off for education purpose!!!)
- some one on FB chat with me then constantly on9 and off9... especially dudes that say hi can i know u?? ugh get a life people...
short notis : Deleted few post...
erm i deleted few blog entries of mine due to it's too long.. so sorry for the inconvenience... have a great day
this is 2011 sunway collage fee listing for 2011 intake of 2010 spm students...
If i take A-level, my 1.5 years tuition will cost my aunt <--(i'll explain y later) n eventually me this much : RM 25,950
If i take AusMAT, also 1.5, will cost me this much: RM 17,550
if i take MUFY aka Monash University Foundation Year, for 1.5 year, will cost me: RM 20,750
so let me explain why is it to be costing my aunt then costing me... you see i'm not born with a silver spoon stuck in my mouth as well as my aunt... she worked her ass off day n night n eventually sacrificing her own happiness due to being hooked with work she never had a children of her own... so cause of that we i meant me, n my other cuz's are her rebound kids... meaning she will provide for us as we are furthering our studies... cause i'm the eldest the pressure are high... so if i screw up i'm gonna have to pay one of these price back... i know i lucky but i'm feeling humble cause most of the time i feel as if i'm not doing enough... i'm just not good enough...so what is a girl to do? the stakes are too high n i just cant risk it... i just hope my SPM result is good enough to enroll me to one of this program... well that's all for now...
If i take A-level, my 1.5 years tuition will cost my aunt <--(i'll explain y later) n eventually me this much : RM 25,950
If i take AusMAT, also 1.5, will cost me this much: RM 17,550
if i take MUFY aka Monash University Foundation Year, for 1.5 year, will cost me: RM 20,750
so let me explain why is it to be costing my aunt then costing me... you see i'm not born with a silver spoon stuck in my mouth as well as my aunt... she worked her ass off day n night n eventually sacrificing her own happiness due to being hooked with work she never had a children of her own... so cause of that we i meant me, n my other cuz's are her rebound kids... meaning she will provide for us as we are furthering our studies... cause i'm the eldest the pressure are high... so if i screw up i'm gonna have to pay one of these price back... i know i lucky but i'm feeling humble cause most of the time i feel as if i'm not doing enough... i'm just not good enough...so what is a girl to do? the stakes are too high n i just cant risk it... i just hope my SPM result is good enough to enroll me to one of this program... well that's all for now...
SPM 2010,
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
My story ends here...
dear readers... here begins a story of me and my end... i have a complicated life... i liked some one who's kinda like used to be my BFF... no correction! i love him... lets call him J... so i've been keeping those feelings for 4 years... with in that 4 years many things happened... i hurt him, he hurt me, i tease him, he tease me, and etc. the way i liked him is as much as i rejected anyone who try to get close to me... i love him so much... however, recently a friend spilled the beans to me that he in turn liked another girl... you see i thought he liked a girl well lets name her X... cause the way he look at her, laugh at her jokes is pretty much indicates that he is totally 360degree in love at her or so i thought... but this friend of mine N, told me that he liked E... i swear i didnt saw it coming... but yeah he do... so now this will be the end of me loving him cause for some reason i'm not crying... i meant i should be but i'm not... so i'm ending this solo tango of mine today... yes i will always love him but as time goes by where in the future when i am with someone who see me as i am n love me for me n i love him too, then J will only be a bitter-sweet memories of mine when in my teenage life... but not more then that... today i will stop waiting for him 4 years is long enough... i dont wanna be hurt no more... this solo tango ends now... and a new life, a new love starts now...
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
just a short notes...
herm.... (clearing throat) a ghost from the past returned... funny as how it seems when that ghost removed me from its friends list n suddenly added me back... hmm... no shit huh... well what the helll just leave it be then... like i care...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
making up my mind for good!
i have made up my mind... i'm never letting my self get married... y? cause i dont want kids... y? cause last night just another proof i cannot handle kids especially when they cry... my patience is as thick as a piece of tracing paper... so that being said i also dont want to be a psychologist especially children psychologist it's gonna drive me super crazy... so i'm back on being a lawyer again.
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