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Thursday, June 23, 2011


Chest to chest
Nose to nose
Palm to palm
We were always just that close
Wrist to wrist
Toe to toe
Lips that felt just like the inside of a rose
So, how come when I reach out my finger
It feels like more than distance between us

In this California king bed
We're ten thousand miles apart
I've been California wishing on these stars
For your heart for me
My California king

Eye to eye
Cheek to cheek
Side by side
You were sleeping next to me
Arm in arm
Dusk to dawn
With the curtains drawn
And a little last night on these sheets
So, how come when I reach out my fingers
It seems like more than distance between us

In this California king bed

We're ten thousand miles apart
I've been California wishing on these stars
For your heart for me
My California king

Just when I felt like giving up on us
You turned around and gave me one last touch
That made everything feel better
And even then my eyes got wetter
So confused wanna ask you if you love me
But I don't wanna seem so weak
Maybe I've been California dreaming

In this California king bed
We're ten thousand miles apart
I've been California wishing on these stars
For your heart for me
My California king
My California King

In this California king bed
We're ten thousand miles apart
I've been California wishing on these stars
For your heart for me
My California king

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pembaharuan Youtube HTML EMBED...

baru2 ni sya mau tukar lagu d blog page sya tapi kali tingu suda berubah HTML embed dia so setelah try2 experimen2 n perhatikan HTML embed lama ngan HTML embed baru x banyak jugak perubahan so ni yg baru punya ok so apa2 masalah just comment kat bawah klu x pun trus contact kat facebook ok...

1) Pilih je lagu apa-apa dekat youtube tu. Then tekan Share then tekan Embed then tick Use old embed code. Yang lain tak payah tick. Lepas tuh copy semua embed code dia tuh.

Before editing perhatikan yg kena highlight merah tu...

After editing juga perhatikan perubahan pada perkataan yg kena high light merah tu

2) Dah setel tu, dekat width, korang ubah kepada 200 dan dekat height korang ubah kepada 25.

3) Then dekat perkataan version=3, korang ubah kepada autoplay=1.

4) Copy dan paste code tu, letak dalam HTML/Javascript Gadjet.

5) SIAP!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I am almost back!!!

ok first of all i'm super sorry pasal lama nda buka or even post entry... sori la baru2 ni busy sangat2... tapi kan sebab utama sya nda posting ni pasal teda mood n tengah depress sangat... mau tau kenapa sya tetiba depress?

1. sya da tinggal 1 bulan d rumah aunty sya yg lagi satu d slangor ni tapi berat ku nda pandai turun2... kekal dia d 74KG sana... hmm... sedih...

2. sya takut target berat b4 masuk collage which is 60KG nda akan sempat dlm masa terdekat ni..

3. sya perlu hantar borang permohonan tempat tinggal d collage.. tapi belum juga d hantar2... huhuhu..

4. sya perlu p full body check up b4 hantar borang sebab tu collage minta tapi juga belum2 d buat...

OMG susah nya hidup... banyak nya mau buat b4 masuk collage nih.... wah... stress gila weh... ok la sya perlu p lu... nanti lama lagi sya akan post entry baru pasal sya akan busy menguruskan badan... hmm... ok la bye 4 now...
