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Am I ready? Is this the right move? Is it even the right time? Okay... here's a sentence of thought.
"Mummy, I want you to meet someone..."
Well that phrase could either make or break any people's life especially when the person they want to introduce to their mother is their BF/GF.
In my case, I'll be saying this phrase to my mum but in front of most probably my whole family members introducing a friend who would most probably be joining me for Christmas this year in Sabah.
These are few things about this friend of mine...
He has one of the best sense of humor, and adorable too. Tho I never really acknowledge that he looks some what cute because I always tease him of being so self absorb, he is KIND OF CUTE... -Shush! Don't tell him I said that- anyways, I could go on listing stuff about him until everything is listed out. But I don't want to do that as it could take me until tomorrow morning to have a complete list of everything. Simply to say he is a pleasant person to be around. Nevertheless there is this one features of him I can never look pass. His level of gay intensity. NO he is NOT gay. Sorry guys. He likes Homosepians with original XX chromosome in their DNA. He's not your average straight guy. He cries faster then I do, he have this so called 'cute' act to make sure his mum doesn't get angry at him, which actually works, actually it doesn't just work on his mum, it works on me too -again don't tell him I said that either!- AND.... HE LIKES PINK!
What is he to me?
Well he's a friend. An ex-classmate made a momentous remarks few months ago on one fine lunch breaks. "You guys look like an item already. You guys should 'go out' you know!" Of course my reaction were a 'WTF face'. I know at this point, my peers would expect me to fall for him and what not and actually even I expected myself would; since most of my ex-es started as my friend, then best friend, then if they have guts, they ask me out. But that's just the thing. I didn't fall for him and clearly neither did he. Thank God for me and also for him as it would be a very ugly situation if those feeling were to arise. It could just ruin the whole friendship I fought hard to keep! How I feel about him is a different kind of feeling. Don't get me wrong. As I had it cleared up earlier, there's no other string attached but friendship's. As I have describe how I feel about him to Nikita and Sookie was I care for him more then a friend should but not 'more' enough to establish a lover's relationship. I care for him as my brother. My little brother since I already have a big brother. Yes he is born approximately 1 month earlier then I am which makes me younger but yes... I treat him like a little brother and it seems like he doesn't mind it either.
So how far does history brought us?
Well, I first know him when in English class during my Foundation in Sun-U last year July. Woah... I didn't realize I am already acquainted with him for over a year now. In between that time frame, lots have happened. I'm not up to opening up old wound tonight so yeah.
Why the hell am I posting this really?
Honestly I don't know why am I posting this but I guess it's time for me to actually write something about him; as he in one too many ways have altered the way I look at things, do things for the better. Today, he managed to traumatize me few hours ago with his recent blog post! - CLICK HERE TO READ ALL ABOUT IT - and I am worried how is he going to face my family. Since he has this high intensity of shyness. Surely, they (My family members) will devour him in less then 3 second. So yes! I am worried. But I already told my mum that he may be coming and join us the entire Kundasang trip and will make a road trip on our own and she doesn't seems to mind. And since my aunt in Sandakan won't be going down to KK this year, we can have her whole house all to ourselves. Also I already booked my mother's car to be at our disposal. Which meant we'll be able to utilize it to it's fullest. -concocting evil plans- Nevertheless, I don't want to have high hopes for this Christmas as the last time I hoped too high I fell too low and it HURTS! So I'm just gonna assume that all things until he buy his tickets going to KK, Sabah; everything is as a big MAYBE! Well what comes may, I'll be ready. Good, bad, I'll take it all in. But if everything goes as planned, it would be one of THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!
So who the hell am I talking about?
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The name is Ronn Tan Jin Yip! |
Well that's all for now. I have class at 9am later so yeah... NIGHT, NIGHT...
Love ya'll...
Farcella M.
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