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Thursday, August 25, 2011


anyway it's has been since a months since i last posted my entry... i have been very SUPER busy... getting on9 and write bout something is practically a blessing... hmm... any way next week is RAYA holiday break. originally i was looking forward want to go back to my aunt's house since my mum came here(selangor) for this raya... how ever today i just found out that i had not 1 but 2 assignment 2 complete and 2 subjects to be revised since i have test 2 days after monday... HOW DEPRESSING so this is my freaking schedule for the week...
jadual time cuti semester...

monday & tuesday: do GLOBALIZATION ASS-IGNMENT 2
wednesday & thursday: revise FUND. MATHS for upcoming TEST num 3
friday & saturday: revise BIOLOGY for upcoming TEST num 2...
sunday: die out of exhaustion + go back to campus...

so holiday is not holiday at all... klu cam ni kan bagus nda payah balik tau... boleh concentrate... T_T'''
so lets pray... 
dear father in heaven pls allow me to stick to my time table and finish everything on time... may i be blessed and not let my aunts drag me around during this raya holiday... the last thing i need right now is going to one house to another the whole day for the whole week... so pls lord let my aunt think clearly when i tell her this news... AMEN...