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Friday, April 15, 2011


Actually i purposely wanna talk bout the month of APRIL... anyway in 15 days, 16 hours 51 minutes i will officially be turning 18. People say the month of april is the month of bad luck cause in Chinese character the number 4 is also similar to the word DIE... how ever the month of april for me is a very lucky month especially if my b'day fell on friday. cause u know why??? cause on the day i was born is the end of april . there fore i am consider as the closure of all bad luck... anyway, thats all u need to know... write again soon... seriously literally...


  1. hi new folo u..jom folo aku ya :)

  2. happy blogging wasaber...anyway..dont worry ok..GOD always loves us...done following u...

  3. ZURINA J.: erm cam mana mau lekat logo WSB d blog? ada link? thanks...

    Fellow sabahan blogger: thanks so much for the follow n sudi membaca blog sya yg nda seberapa nih... apa2 pun thanks pasal follow ya... n pasal mem-follow kamu balik d blog nanti besok malam sya buat kio... agak busy ba skang nih... hehehe... xoxo
